
Dual Recovery Anonymous

Dual Recovery Anonymous™ is an independent, nonprofessional, Twelve Step, self-help Support Group for people with a dual diagnosis, (co-occurring disorder). The goal is to help individuals who are chemically dependent and are also affected by a mental health disorder.

In a community of mutual support, individuals learn to avoid the risks that lead back to alcohol and drug use as well as reducing the symptoms of our emotional or psychiatric illness.

There are only two requirements for membership:

  • A desire to stop using alcohol or other intoxicating drugs.
  • A desire to manage emotional or psychiatric illness in a healthy and constructive way.

DRA members are encouraged to build a strong personal support network. That network may include support from chemical dependency or mental health treatment facilities, medical or social service professionals, and spiritual or religious assistance in addition to other 12 step or self-help groups. DRA has no opinion on the way the other groups address dual disorders or dual recovery. However, we do share personal experiences regarding the ways that we have learned to cope with symptoms by applying the 12 steps in our daily lives.